Paul Pogba and Zlatan Ibrahimovic trade skills videos on Instagram during coronavirus lockdown
Posted Saturday, April 11, 2020 by
CAN a young Pog teach an old master new tricks?
Judging from this dazzling exchange of skills between Paul Pogba and Zlatan Ibrahimovic on video, the answer is not only a resounding yes, fans will be sitting up and begging for more.
Paul Pogba switched to foot-basketball in his attempt to upstage old Manchester United team-mate Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Bin there, done that - Swedish icon Zlatan Ibrahimovic is as cool as ever as he flicks the ball in the trash can with his heel
Manchester United midfielder Pogba, 27, took on his 38-year-old former team-mate in an Instagram battle of who could pot a football most spectacularly amid the coronavirus lockdown.
And after the big flick-off the French World Cup winner declared himself the winner.
Watch their jaw-dropping clips (above) to see if you agree.
But after an unsettled, injury-hit season where Pogba has long seemed destined for Real Madrid or Juventus in the summer, you might think this is one judgement he has got spot-on.
AC Milan striker Ibrahimovic opened up with, unsurprisingly, a nonchalant little feat, spinning the ball backwards into a trash-can off his heel as he walked in the opposite direction.
It was more proof - though as ever not needed - the super-fit Swedish legend is no has-bin.
And modest as ever, Ibra posted: "@paulpogba Game over #zlatanvspogba"
Pogba cleared some spaced for his offering - a similar, backwards double-flick with the soles of his boots - but this time via a wall and into a waist-high basketball hoop,
That was Ibrahimovic slam-sunk, surely? Pogba certainly had no doubts.
First, he let off a whoop to celebrate his hoop.
So until the next challenge, Zlat's all folks!
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